Looking forward…

We get hundreds of requests for features each month, but what do we do with them all? Don’t worry, we don’t throw them away – we love hearing how MyShiftPlanner could help you even more than it already does.

We do leave our laptops occasionally, but the rest of the time our team are working hard to add all those new features, smaller refinements, bug fixes and make sure MyShiftPlanner remains as the best shift worker app on the stores.

Take a look previous updates to see more details on what we’ve released so far.

Highlights from past updates are:

⭐️  Pay Calculations

⭐️  Multiple Patterns per calendar

⭐️  Extensive library of build-in patterns

⭐️  Custom Annual Leave options

⭐️  Support for the latest privacy controls to keep your data secure

That’s great but what’s coming up? And when will the feature I asked for be included?

What’s next for myshiftplanner?

Coming 2024 & 2025

We have lots of other great improvements on our list, such as:

 ⭐️ Modern, easy to use – we’re updating our app to make it easier to use, more modern and able to use the latest features of your phone.

 ⭐️ Team Features – we’ve been working on improved team features so you can work better with your colleagues.

 ⭐️ Advanced Pay Reporting – even more pay calculation options to cover fixed allowances, antisocial hour rates and more.

 ⭐️ Advanced Leave Reporting – improved tracking of annual leave, in-lieu, public holiday allowances and more

 ⭐️ Desktop Versions – a new experience for users. Desktop/web app to keep you up to date wherever you are.

We’ll announce more later this year, but we hope you’re as excited as we are for what we have in-store.

If you have any questions about this update or need help, please get in touch with our dedicated support team – support@myshiftplanner.com