To see how to set up My Shift Planner for the first time, or how to create a basic shift pattern, view the video.
The Pro-Pack contains lots of additional features that help you take control of your shift work
- Pay Calculation – set hour pay rates for any of your shifts, and track your prospective, pre-tax income
- Calendar Sync – copy shifts to your phone calendar
- Multiple Patterns – changing your shift rota in the future? With Pro, you can add as many future rotas as you like. Setting them to start on any future date
- Personal Appointments – import your personal appointments from your phone calendar into MyShiftPlanner’s Notes section
- Live Sharing – share your shift pattern with a partner, family or work colleagues
- Annual Leave Tracking – keep tabs on your annual leave allowance and manage your time off
- Work/Time Reports – records worked hours, overtime and time in lieu. Download and email reports
- Reminders – set reminders for your shift pattern or individual shifts so that you never miss a shift
- Multiple Calendars – create extra calendars for another job, or family member.
- Calendar Overlay – see two of your calendars, or a shared calendar, next to each other to see when you both have time off
- Multiple Shifts on a day – add a second shift to your day, or turn a full day shift into a half day by adding “No Shift/Off”
- Custom Icons – liven up your shift calendar by adding a range of personal icons to your shifts
- No Ads – removes the ad banner and gives you more space to see your calendar and shift pattern
The Pro-Pack is available as a small monthly subscription, or at an annual discount of 33% off. Once unlocked you get access to any new pro-features we add without additional charges.
See our Terms and Conditions for more information.
The Pro-Pack allows you to create multiple rotas in one calendar – so you can set up a temporary rota quickly.
-Tap the COG
-Tap Patterns and then Start New Rota + and choose a new pattern
– OR tap Edit>Copy to duplicate your current rota
– Change the Start Date and add an End Date
-Your Temporary Rota is set up
-To return to your original rota, Tap Edit>Copy to duplicate your original rota
-Set the Start Date to the day after your Temporary Rota ends
You’re all set up to go!
With MyShiftPlanner Pro, you can use the Multiple Patterns feature to change your rota but keep your old shifts in the calendar.
-Tap on the COG
-Tap Patterns
-Tap Start a new rota+
-Select your new rota and add start date after your current rota.
-Hit Next and Save your rota to your calendar.
-You’ll now see two rotas, one Current and one for the future.
Switching off Calendar Sync should remove shifts that have been copied MyShiftPlanner to your device calendar.
-Tap the Cog icon
-Tap “Settings”
-Tap “Sync/Sharing” in the top right
-Make sure “To Phone Calendar” is displaying the right calendar in your phone
-Switch off the option to “Copy Shifts To Device Calendar”
-A pop-up will ask if you want to remove shifts from your calendar
-Hit “Yes” and the app will remove all shifts from your calendar
You can also tap CLEAR and select the calednar you want to clear out.
If this doesn’t work, or you still find shifts in your phone calendar. Make sure that they are connected to the same calendar. Also check the settings in your phone to make sure MyShiftPlanner has permission to access your calendar. If you turn this off, before switching off Calendar Sync, MyShiftPlanner will not be able to remove shifts that have been added.
If you still have problems, contact us via support@myshiftplanner.com
If you’ve turned reminders off, they only remain off in the MyShiftPlanner App. If you copy your shifts to your device calendar via calendar sync, your default settings in your device calendar still apply. eg. Google Calendar adds default alarms of 2hrs for events, 24hrs for All Day Events.
To remove these notifications, turn off default reminders in your device calendar settings.
MyShiftPlanner is a free app designed to help shift workers keep track of their working patterns as easily as possible.
It’s really easy to set up your pattern – regardless of how complicated it may be. With separate colours for each type of shift, you can easily see on a colour-coded calendar what you’ll be working at any time.
You can add holidays, overtime, on-call, pay days, training days, sick days and more to check against your pay slip. You can also add notes to any day, and record your actual worked hours.
The easiest way to see what MyShiftPlanner is and how it works is to download it and try it for yourself.
Some apps claim to be free before, but are only time limited trials…
MyShiftPlanner basic app is completely free to download and use without any time limits.
Unless it explicitly says otherwise, all features are free to use without time limits.
So, how do we make any money to continue developing it? That’s why we show ads at the bottom of the app. These generate some of the income we need, though if you prefer, you can pay a small fee to remove the ad banner.
We also offer premium features, such as pay calculation, calendar sync, calendar sharing, work-time reports, holiday tracking etc. which you can purchase in the Pro-Pack within MyShiftPlanner.
Features that are currently free to use will always continue to be free. And we will also continue to add other free features in future updates.
Premium features in the Pro-Pack are totally optional, so you only need to subscribe to them if you feel they are valuable enough to you.
No problem! We offer a free support service and it’s really easy to send us a message.
1. You can send us a message from inside the app.
MyShiftPlanner comes complete with an in-built feedback form for you to use:
a. Tap on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen
b. Choose Help/Get In Touch
c. Fill in your name, choose the type of feedback/question you have and enter some details about it
2. Message us from our Facebook page
Our Facebook page is where we post the latest news, hints and tips so we highly recommend following us by liking our page.
This is also great for support as you can use the private messaging to ask questions and offer feedback.
3. Email us directly
Or if you prefer to, you can just email us at support@myshiftplanner.com
We aim to get back to you within 8 hours during working days, or by the next working day if sent at the weekend.
We’re always happy to hear from our users, including suggestions for new features you’d like to see in MyShiftPlanner.
It’s also worth getting in touch, as the feature might already be available, and we can help you find and use it.
Use the Feedback option in the menu of the MyShiftPlanner app to get in touch, or message us via our Facebook page.
Our support team are here to help, so please don’t be afraid to get in touch with us!
We treat data security very seriously, and handle your data with the same care and consideration you’d want us to.
We hate being spammed by unwanted emails so have no intention of doing the same to you.
All data is kept in our secure database and never shared with third parties. Full details of what we collect, how and what for are covered in our Privacy Policy.
What DO we collect and why?
We only ask for the minimum information we consider necessary to provide the best experience. Most of this is optional (such as your profession) so it’s completely up to you whether you want to tell us or not.
To use our cloud and sharing features (such as the highly recommended on-line backup for your shifts and settings), you will need to provide your email address which is used as a unique username for your account. This is paired with a password that you choose to make sure your account and data stay secure. Never tell anyone your password!
When signing up, you are asked if you wish to receive our newsletter and other important information from us by email. You have the option to opt-out at any time from within the app too so really easy to control this.
If you choose to use our backup facility, your backups are stored in our secure cloud system against your account so can’t be accessed by anyone but you (using your registered email and password). We monitor all activity too, so if we spot anything suspicious we can deal with it quickly.
If you have any questions about data security please email our support team who’ll be happy to answer them for you: support@myshiftplanner.com
There’s lots of ways you can add Notes to a day.
If you Long-Tap on the day you want to add a note, then tap on the Notes Panel, you can type notes directly.
Or, if you have the “Notes Panel” activated in Settings, or the Events List, simply tap on the Notes sections below the calendar to quickkly add a note to a day.
You can edit all the day’s properties, including notes by doing the following:-
1. Tap on a day
2. Tap on the pencil icon in the toolbar (at the top)
3. Type your notes into the Notes box and tap on the back button (top-left) when you’re finished
Once you’ve added notes to a day, a small star icon shows against the day so you can easily see which days have notes.
There are 4 view options you can choose for your calendar:
1. Colour Only – removes all shift names and times leaving just the day number and icons
2. Shift Names – shows only the shift name (code) – e.g. “Nights”
3. Shift Times – shows only the shift times and no code – e.g. 8-6
4. Show Name and Times – best used in larger screen phones. Shows the shift code and times – e.g. “Days 8-5”
Tap on the Cog Icon in the top-right of the screen to show the calendar menu.
Tap on Settings
You’ll see the buttons half way down this menu, one for each of the options described above.
Just tap on one and it’ll be applied immediately.
MyShiftPlanner includes a Cloud Backup service you can use to back up your data, and can be used to copy your calendar to another device (such as if you have an iPhone and iPad and would like to keep them in sync).
To use this service, you need to register with a valid email address* from within the MyShiftPlanner app. Once you’ve done this, you can backup and restore as often as you like.
Getting set up is really easy:
- Tap on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen
- Tap on User Profile
- Sign into your account/create an account
- Tap Data/Security
- Here you will see the options to Backup/Restore Data
Once you’ve successfully registered or logged in, you can back up or restore from in this screen too using the buttons at the bottom.
Please note: Once you have an account, your data is automatically backed up whenever you make a change, and a full backup occurs every seven days. However, if you turn off the Auto-Sync option your data will not be backed up each time you make a change. You’ll need to remember to use the Backup option in the menu after making changes to make sure your backups are the latest.
* Note: The email address must be a real one as it’s used if you forget your password. However, we’re very passionate about security and our user’s peace of mind so will never pass your email address to anyone else. We just use it to secure your MyShiftPlanner account, send password reset emails if you need us to, and optionally (you choose this) add you to our newsletter to send occasional news about on new features, hints, tips and tutorials that might be of interest to you.
To keep our systems and your data secure, we require that all passwords follow secure password rules. These are common in most on-line systems and avoid people accidentally using easy-to-hack passwords for their data.
Password in MyShiftPlanner must follow these rules:
- At least 6 characters in length
- Must contain a capital letter
- Must contain either a space, a number or exclamation mark (!) or question mark (?)
Some examples of valid passwords are:
- RedSpace2014!
- JJ?56251hh17
Tips for picking secure passwords:
- Avoid using your name in the password – it’s easy to guess
- Avoid using words like “password”, “myshiftplanner” or anything easy to guess
- Avoid using parts of your email address in your password
- Join multiple words together to make longer passwords – e.g. ThisMightBeAGoodOne?!
- The longer the password, the better
If you’re unsure, please contact our support team: support@myshiftplanner.com
Using the Sharing option, you can either send an image of the current month of your calendar to someone else, or with the Pro-Pack, you can live share your calendar to another MyShiftPlanner user.
1. Tap on the cog icon in the top-right corner of the screen
2. Tap on the Share as an image, email or sms to see the Sharing Panel with all the ways you can share your calendar, including Email
3. OR tap With another MySP User to Live Share your calendar
We provide lots of different shift types which cover the most common ones, but they’re fully customisable so can easily be changed.
1. Tapon the cog icon in the top-right corner of the screen
2. Tap Setup Shifts
3. You’ll be taken to a list of all shift types in the app. To change one, tap on it.
4. For all shift types, you can change the shift name and “show as” (how it appears in the calendar), the colour, the default start/finish times for that shift and whether you can to use it at all or not
5. Tap on the Back button (at the top-left of the screen) when you’re done and it’ll instantly change
You can also add your own custom shifts using the + button within the same menu.
Can I add more shifts than those listed?
Yes! Just use the + button in the Setup Shifts screen.
Can I remove any extra ones I don’t use? It clutters up the Shift Picker!
Absolutely! To hide a shift type, go to the Setup Shifts screen. Tap EDIT and then remove the shift.
My shift normally starts at the same time, but as a one-off it’ll start earlier. How do I put that into MyShiftPlanner?
This is really easy to do. First, customise your shifts as described above and set the normal start/finish times against each shift type (e.g. 09:00 – 17:00 for the day shift).
BUT, this time, tick the option to “Confirm Times When Added”
Now, when you add a shift, the app will automatically ask you for the times of that shift.
To change shift times in your rota, tap on the day that starts differently to select it. Tap on the pencil icon to see the Day Properties screen.
In here you’ll see the start and finish times for your shift which you can change. Any changes to the times only affect this particular day.
You don’t need to register your email address with us to use MyShiftPlanner, although it is recommended. When you register, you’re creating a MyShiftPlanner Online Cloud account which has a number of benefits:
BENEFIT #1: Peace of Mind – You’ll be able to keep your data backed up to our servers.
We keep up to 10 backups for every registered account so you know your data is safe in the event that you lose your device, make a mistake when changing your shifts or need to delete the app for some reason. The app automatically backs up whenever you make changes.
We also run a full backup of your data every 7 days. But, you can also manually backup at any time for peace of mind. For example, we advise that you backup your data if you are adding a new rota, or changing your pattern.
BENEFIT #2: You can have MyShiftPlanner on multiple devices and keep your data synchronised between them all.
You can use the same MyShiftPlanner online account (email address) on different devices. With the Device Sync feature turned on (automatic), your data will be synchronised between all those devices.
So if you have a tablet you keep at home for the family, you can sign into MyShiftPlanner on it and it will stay up to date with the latest version of your work schedule.
BENEFIT #3: You can optionally receive our monthly shift working Newsletter (Shift Thinking)
You can choose to receive our monthly newsletter containing useful tips, news on the app and shift working blog posts which you may find interesting (you can opt out of receiving this at any time from within the User Profile screen of the app).
BENEFIT #4: [Needs the Pro Pack] You can live share your work calendar with another MyShiftPlanner user (such as a colleague or family member)
The Live Sharing feature allows you to share any (or all) of you calendars with another MyShiftPlanner user, as a read-only view. This is kept up-to-date as you make changes so they will always get the latest version of your schedule automatically. The recipient won’t be able to make any changes or add anything into your calendar, so is perfect to share with work colleagues or family members who have installed MyShiftPlanner.
We hope you see the benefit of having a MyShiftPlanner Online Cloud account. Please note that the above features won’t work if you don’t have an on-line account but the rest of MyShiftPlanner will work as normal, so it’s completely your choice.
If you have any questions about the features mentioned above or MyShiftPlanner, email our team at support@myshiftplanner.com
Losing your shifts from the calendar can be scary. But there are lots of ways you can recover lost data.
1.Don’t Delete the App!
MyShiftPlanner has a built-in contingency which backs up your calendar every time the app is updated or changed. These backups are held locally on your device. When you contact us via the Help option in the app, you can send us the data files including these backups, which we can restore for you.
BUT, if you delete the app, your device will delete these backups too. So, please, don’t delete the app unless our support team specifically tell you to.
2. Make sure the shifts are really lost
Check that you are looking at the correct calendar. It may sound simple, but check that you aren’t looking at a new, blank calendar. Tap Calendars at the bottom of the screen to check to see if your shift calendar is still there.
3. Try to Restore from your online account
If you have a free MyShiftPlanner account, and are logged in, your app will be backing up your data to the cloud. You can restore from your backups by doing the following:-
- Tap on the Menu Icon in the top left
- Tap User Profile
- Make sure you are logged in
- Tap on the Data/Security tab in the top right
- Tap Restore a Backup
- Choose a date from the drop-down box and restore the backup
You can choose any of the date to restore. See more about backup and restore HERE>
5. Get in Touch
If all else fails, get in contact with our support team via the Help option in the app. We will do our best to help you and try and restore your shifts.
In MyShiftPlanner we have a number of built in shift patterns. The Continental pattern is in our pre-built list, so it’s easier than ever to set this up!
Tap on the COG icon in the top right of the screen.
Tap on Patterns
Choose “Continental 2/2/3″ from the list
You will see this pattern previewed in the calendar.
Choose the 3 shift types you do in this pattern. Pick the day that this pattern starts from and it’ll calculate it all for you!
Tap Next then Save to save the pattern to your calendar.
My Shift Planner can support almost any type of shift pattern. We have lots of different tools and tricks for getting the most complex of patterns set up easily in the app.
To get specific help for setting up your pattern, we recommend contacting our expert support team who’ll be able to give you instructions for your pattern.
If you fancy doing this yourself first, there are a number of ways to do it.
The easiest way is in to tap on the COG icon in the top right.
Tap “Patterns”
Create a new Pattern (or tap on the existing rota)
Select the option “Other/Custom Pattern”
Add a START DATE for the first day of your rotation.
And a REPEATS ON for the date your rotation starts again.
Then add your shifts to the calendar grid.
You can change the times of your shifts here, as well as creating new shifts and editing the available shifts.
Hit Preview to see how your pattern will copy through the calendar.
Then tap NEXT for more options
Tap SAVE to save your pattern to your calendar.
If you need any help, ask our support team for assistance.
Our latest product, MyShiftManager is designed to work directly alongside MyShiftPlanner.
With MyShiftManager you can set up rosters for your team, and publish them directly to the MyShiftPlanner app.
You can find out more about MyShiftManager HERE
Installing MyShiftPlanner and logging into your account is enough to turn on any features you’ve previously purchased.
However, if this doesn’t happen automatically, tap on the menu icon in the top-left of the main screen. Then on Manage Purchases>Restore Purchases.
Once this has been correctly done, you’ll see a message to let you know that your previously bought items have been restored and are available to use.
Turning your phone off and on again often gets rid of annoying problems and bugs.
Your device needs a regular reboot, to clear out memory and close down apps that cause clashes.
If you’ve encountered a problem with any aspect of the My Shift Planner app, reboot the phone first.
If the problems, persists, check out the FAQs or contact our support team. Support@MyShiftPlanner.com
For more information take a look at our Blog – Have you Tried Turning it On and Off Again?
No, as long as you’ve logged in and backed up to your MyShiftPlanner cloud account.
The purchases will restore as soon as you’ve logged into your MyShiftPlanner Account or the next time you open the app after logging in.
If this doesn’t work straight away, Tap on Manage Purchases, then on Restore Purchases to turn on the features on the new device.
Reminders can be set for a shift type (e.g. The same for all Night shifts) and changed for individual days if you need to, so really flexible.
To set up a reminder for a specific shift type:
– tap on the cog icon in the top-right of the man screen
– tap on Reminders in the menu
– in the Reminders menu you can turn reminders off completely (for all shifts), set the reminder sound and change individual shift reminders
– choose the shift you want to change and tap on it
– Change the reminder time, the message that will show and even turn off reminders for a specific shift in here
All changes you make apply straight away
Tap on day you wish to change in the calendar
Tap on the pencil icon.
Tap Reminders to see the options for that day.
To override the default reminder settings (the ones set for the shift type), tap the “Custom reminder for this day” option to show all the options you can change.
Any changes you make here only affect this specific day
If you have an Android phone, MyShiftPlanner asks for a number of permissions to access information. Here’s what the are, and why the app needs that information to run.
- Read calendar events plus confidential information
- Add or modify calendar events and send email to guests without owners’ knowledge
- Read the contents of your USB storage
- Modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
- Read phone status and identity
- View Wi-Fi connections
- View network connections
- Full network access
If you need to disable the reminders for all shifts – maybe while off sick or on extended leave – you can do this in 2 ways:
-Tap on the cog icon in the top-right
-Tap on “Set Reminders” and turn off the switch at the top of this screen
To turn all reminders back on again later, just reverse this process.
Note – turning reminders on or off like this does not lose any reminder settings on individual days so you don’t need to set them all up again.
The first thing to check is that you have your volume turned up – it’s easy to have this silenced without realising it.
If you have an iPhone, check the “silence” switch on the side isn’t switched off – this is easy to catch in your pocket.
Next, go into the ” Reminders” area in MyShiftPlanner’s cog menu (button in the top-right of the main screen). In here, tap on the play button next to the reminder sound option and check you can hear it ok.
If all this still doesn’t work, check your Notification settings in your Settings app of your phone. Scroll all the way to the MyShiftPlanner app in the list (it’s a long way down), and in the Notifications area, check that “Enable Sounds” is turned on.
If you need further help with reminder issues, please contain our support team at support@myshiftplanner.com
There are a few reasons this might be happening, but most common is that you’ve disabled Notifications for MyShiftPlanner in your phone settings.
The Reminders feature requires you to allow Notifications to be used. To turn them on for iPhone or iPad, here’s how
– Find and tap on the Settings app
– Scroll all the way down to near the bottom (it could be a long list) and find “MyShiftPlanner”. Tap on it
– Tap on “Notifications” below the “Allow MyShiftPlanner to Access” heading
– You need to turn ON the following:
* Allow Notifications
* Show in Notification Centre
* Sounds (if you want to hear the reminder sound – it might not wake you if not)
* Show on Lock Screen
– In the Alert Style section at the bottom we recommend Banner or Alerts is tapped depending on how you wish to see your reminders
– Tap back to go back to your home screen
Once you’ve check the above, if your reminders still aren’t showing, we suggest containing our support team so they can work with you to fix this. Support@myshiftplanner.com
If you and your partner work shifts, you can use MyShiftPlanner to see each other’s patterns.
Either use Live Sharing or add a second calendar and overlay the two to see your shift rotas together.
To add another calendar:-
-Tap on Calendars at the bottom of the screen
-Alternatively, Swipe up on the Screen
-This brings up the Personal Calendar Menu. From here you can set up a new calendar or choose to overlay two calendars onto each other.
There is currently no limit to the number of calendars you can add.
This feature is only available for Pro-Users
The Work Time report works off the actual hours you’ve worked, so it’s important to record this accurately.
You record your Actual Hours in the Day Properties against each individual day:
– Tap on the day you want to record against
– Tap on the Day Properties/Notes button (3rd from the right at the top)
– In here you can set the actual start and finish time you worked for this shift, the amount of unpaid breaks (e.g. Lunch) that you did and it automatically calculates the number of worked hours for you.
– If you’ve worked overtime, you can also enter the details in here too
All details you enter are updated in the Work Time Report instantly
If you want to send your Work Time Report to your boss or print it off to help calculate your pay, it’s really easy.
In the bottom right of the Work Time Report is a the Share Button.
Tap this and choose whether you want to email the full report, or just the page you’re looking at (e.g. Overtime, Normal Hours, Leave Taken or Pay Calculation)
This opens an email in your email app and has the report attached as an Excel spreadsheet, ready to send.
Annual leave tracking (and setting your allowance) are part of the Pro Pack so you need to make sure you’ve subscribed to Pro first.
To set up your allowance:
- Tap on the cog icon
- Tap on Annual Leave Settings
This screen has 2 purposes; it contains the settings for your leave, how Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) is handled, and options for how leave is calculated. This screen also provides a report of time taken, leave remaining and other useful information.
Note: the Work Time Report also shows leave information alongside shifts worked and overtime, so if you haven’t already taken a look at this, it’s recommended.
The Work Time Report is available from the calendar menu by tapping on the calendar icon on the main screen.
If MyShiftPlanner encounters problems it may cause the app to crash or terminate. If this occurs, you may encounter any of the following:-
- App terminates to your device home screen
- Pop up message telling you an error has occurred
- Blank/Black screen requiring manual app shut down
In the first instance, try these following remedies:
IMPORTANT: Do NOT delete the app unless you are sure you have a recent backup of your data. Deleting the app removes all local shift data and may result in loss of your app data unless you have a backup in your MyShiftPlanner account. If you aren’t sure, contact our support team.
The following will correct the problem in most cases:
- Update the app to the latest version in either the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android). Don’t assume your phone automatically updates your apps as they often don’t.
- App Reboot – close down the app completely, and reboot it from cold.
- Device Reboot – switch off your device. Leave for a number of seconds and reboot.
If the crash persists, contact our support team immediately, and as mentioned above, do not delete the app from your phone in an attempt to fix this unless you are sure you have a backup or are happy to lose your shift data.
No. The new Pro-Subscription is only for new Pro users. If you already have Pro Pack, No Ads or a previous purchase, nothing changes for you – you’ll still get access to all Pro features as before.
Find out more HERE>
If you’re trying to synchronise MyShiftPlanner with a Google Calendar but aren’t seeing your shifts update correctly in your Google Calendar app, please read this article for advice on what to do. Note that the advice below only relates to known issues with the Google Calendar mobile app.
Usually, MyShiftPlanner will have updated your shifts in your Google Calendar correctly, but the Google Calendar app can take between 10 minutes and 2 hours to pull down these changes so they appear in their Calendar app.
If you’re using a different calendar app, maybe a Samsung or Huawei calendar app which was pre-installed on the phone, or a third party app you downloaded from the Play Store, you shouldn’t have these problems.
Note: We’ve had reports that recent updates to Google Calendar app for Android (since Nov 2020) are even worse and don’t seem to download changes for up to 24 hours(!). We hope they fix this issue soon but please try the suggestions below if you’re having problems, or use a different calendar app for now.
To check if MyShiftPlanner has pushed your shifts to your Google Calendar:
- Open https://calendar.google.com in your browser (on the phone is fine).
- Log into your Google account if needed.
- Does it show the correct shifts? If not, wait for up to 5 minutes and refresh the web page and it should show your updates.
Once the correct shifts are showing in the web version of Google Calendar, you know that MyShiftPlanner has worked and you just need to wait for the Google Calendar app to refresh.
You can force the Calendar app to refresh in a few ways:
- inside the Google Calendar app on your phone, tap the vertical … button in the top-right of the screen and then “Refresh”.
- if this doesn’t work:
- open the Settings app on your phone.
- go to the “Apps” section to see a list of all your apps. If it isn’t showing them all, look for “see all apps” or “show more” to list them all.
- find the “Calendar” app (from Google) and tap on it.
- tap the “Storage and Cache” option
- tap the “Clear Storage” option
- open the Google Calendar app and it’ll take you through the information screens but then show you the most recent shifts and events
- Use or download a different calendar app from the Play Store.
If you’re still having problems synchronising your shifts to your phone calendar, contact us through the “Help/Support” option in the MyShiftPlanner menu in the app and we’ll be happy to help.
To set up or change your shift pattern
-tap on the cog icon in the top right of the screen
-tap Pattern
-EITHER – tap on the existing [CURRENT] rota
-OR – tap “+Start a New Rota”
-select your shift pattern from the list, or select “Other/Custom Pattern” to set it up manually.
You can sync your shift rota from MyShiftPlanner into your device calendar.
-Tap on the cog icon in the top right of the screen
-Tap on Settings
-Tap on the Sync/Sharing tab in the top right.
From here you can choose to export your shift pattern to your phone calendar. Or bring personal events/appointment from your phone calendar into My Shift Planner
This feature requires the Pro-Pack add-on.
You can lock and unlock your My Shift Planner calendar to stop accident changes to your shift pattern.
-Tap on the cog icon in the top right of the screen
-Tap on Settings
-Lock and your unlock your calendar to keep it from unwanted changes.
If you no longer want to use MyShiftPlanner, you can delete your data by doing the following within the app before deleting it:
- Open the app
- Tap on the menu icon in the top-left of the main screen
- Go to your User Profile
- Make sure you are logged into your MyShiftPlanner account
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen
- Tap DELETE MY ACCOUNT and if you’re sure, agree to the confirmation message.
Once the app has confirmed your account was deleted, you can safely delete the app.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Deleting your account will remove the following:
- Your actual login and personal information linked to it, including your name, email address, profession and other information you may have entered.
- All of your data backups.
- You will be un-subscribed from any newsletters you may be subscribed to.
The above is all the information we store about you that is personally identifiable. All of this will be removed as part of the account deleting.
If you need help deleting your data or account, or have already deleted the app and want us to delete your data, please contact our support team at:
To review what data we have about you, we provide a handy Data Review tool in the app menu.
The Data Review Tool also allows you to manage your data, correct anything that’s wrong and delete your entire account, should you need to.
To access the Data Review Tool
- Open the MyShiftPlanner app
- Tap on the menu icon in the top-left of the main screen
- Scroll down and tap on DATA PRIVACY REVIEW (near the bottom)
What do we store about you?
For full details about the data we store about you, why we need it and how we use it, please refer to our Privacy Policy document. This document is also available within the menu of our app for convenience.
We only store information required to provide you with the services you request, to monitor our services for security reasons and to ensure we are able to keep the database and services running effectively.
If you have any questions about your data, your account or how we use your data, please contact our support team: support@myshiftplanner.com
MyShiftPlanner is available for Apple and Android devices, so you can easily transfer to another phone even if it’s a different type.
You can transfer:
- Your shift data
- Your settings and personal user data (within MyShiftPlanner)
- Your purchased add-ons
To transfer, you need to have a MyShiftPlanner account and a recent backup of your data from your old phone. If not, here’s how you do this:
- Tap on the menu icon in the top-left of the main screen
- Check that you are logged into your account.
- Next, tap on the Data Security tab
- Tap on Backup
Once you have a MyShiftPlanner account and a fresh backup, do the following on your new phone:
- Install MyShiftPlanner from the app store
- Open the app and choose Existing User from the first-run setup screen.
- Enter your MyShiftPlanner account email address and password
- Your data will restore automatically after a few seconds.
- Your purchases will automatically restore after a few seconds of the app being open.
If your purchases don’t automatically restore, tap on the menu icon and choose Manage Purchases. In here, use the Restore Purchases button.
If you need more help transferring your data or purchases, please contact our team through the app menu or directly to: support@myshiftplanner.com
MyShiftPlanner is available for:
- Android phone running Android 6.0* or later
- Android tablets running Android 6.0* or later
- iPhone 6 or later running iOS 10.0* or later
- iPad and iPad Pro running iOS 10.0* or later
We don’t currently support:
- A version for Windows or Mac OS yet
- A web version of the app to access through your Web Browser
- A smartwatch version (e.g. Apple Watch or Google Wear)
* Note: we may remove without warning support for older versions of Android or iOS in our updates once the manufacturer has stopped supporting them too. This won’t stop you being able to use MyShiftPlanner but may block you from being able to install the latest updates from us.
You can set up more than one calendar in My Shift Planner.
-Tap on Calendars at the bottom of the screen
-Alternatively, Swipe up on the Screen to bring up the Personal Calendar Menu.
-From here you can set up a new calendar or choose to overlay two calendars onto each other.
There is currently no limit to the number of calendars you can add.
Please note, this feature is only available in the Pro-Pack add-on.
You can change your calendar to start on any day of the week.
-Tap on the Cog icon in the top right
-Tap on Settings
-Tap on the day next to First Day of the Week
Check out our video How To:-
To add a second shift to a day:-
-Tap on the + button
-Tap on the shift you want to add to the calendar
-Tap on the Day
The shift toggles between two shifts on a day, or replacing the entire shift.
Add a custom icon to your day:-
-Tap on the + button
-Tap on the Icons button
-Select the icon you want to add
-Tap on the days
You can add multiple icons to each day, and edit which icons appear on a day in Day Properties.
-Tap on the day
-Tap on the Pencil Icon in the top of the screen.
-Tap and hold icons to make them your Favourites
To clear any items you’ve added to the calendar.
-Tap on the + button at the top of the screen
-Tap RESET then on the shift or item you’ve added
This will return the day back to your base, shift pattern.
To completely remove the shift,
-tap on the + button
-Tap “No Shift” (Off)
-tap on the day you want to remove
-Once you’re done, tap the X at the top of the screen.
If you have shared your MyShiftPlanner log-in with other people, they can access your data at any time.
To remove them, we suggest changing your password in the User Profile.
Then, in your User Profile, tap on the Security Tab in the top right
Here you can see all the devices currently logged into your account.
You can end the sessions for any device, or tap END ALL at the bottom to log everyone out.
The My Shift Planner app requires a certain amount of storage capacity in your phone to work properly. If you get below 100MB of storage space on your phone, the app won’t be able to save shift changes and will trigger a pop up message to warn you.
For the app to work properly, you’ll need to clear some space for it. Such as deleting old photographs, messages or unused apps.
This link HERE has some great tips for finding that extra space on an iPhone.
Adding a Sick Day to the Calendar
MyShiftPlanner comes with a built-in Sick Day you can add to the calendar at any time.
- Tap on the + at the top of the screen to bring out the Shift Picker
- Tap on Sick
- Tap on the day in the calendar to turn that into a Sick Day
Creating your own Sick Days
Pro-Users can create their own sick days.
- Tap on the settings icon (cog) in the top right
- Tap Setup Shifts
- Tap on the + at the top to create a new Leave Type
- Name the Sick Shift
- Change the TYPE of shift to “SICK”
- Tap on the < arrow in the top right to save the changes
The new sick shift is now available to use from the Shift Picker
Paid and Unpaid Sick Shifts
Pro-Users who track their pay through the app can set sick shifts as paid or unpaid
- In Setup Shifts go to the Sick Shift Type
- Change the Pay Rate to Zero for an unpaid sick shift or to a set amount for a paid sick shift.
Tracking your Sick Days in Work Time Reports
Sick days and hours are automatically tracked in the Work Time Report
- Tap on the settings icon (cog) in the top right
- Tap on Work Time Report
- Sick days appear under a seperate section in the Normal Hours tab
- As well as a easy to see widget at the bottom of the report
Need more help? Get in touch with us via support@myshiftplanner.com
Do you still have questions?
Please Get in touch and our support team will answer anything you’d like to know.