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Setting up Team Rotas

The best way to set up long repeating rotas in myshiftmanager is to use the Magic Repeat option

To create common rotas, such as 4On/4Off, 2-2-2 etc.

  • Add a sequence of shifts to the calendar against a team/individual, eg. 4Days/4Off/4Nights/4Off
  • Right-Click on the first day in the sequence and select the option “Range Select
  • Click on the last day in the sequence to select the entire (remember to include off days!)
  • Right Click again and choose the option “Repeat Sequence”
  • Choose the End Date for the rota sequence and click OK

MyShiftManager will run this entire sequence for this Team/Individual.

Do the same for each team. You only need to add the first rotating sequence.

Alternatively, copy and paste the first sequence onto other teams and use Range Select>Repeat Sequence for each team

Account Setup

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Set up your account tutorial

Setup your Team

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Link your team to the #shiftwork app

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Building shift rotas and creating a pattern

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Introduction to Shift Swapping

How to manage team shift swaps

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