The latest update of MyShiftPlanner is out now. Here’s some of the additions and changes we’ve made in v6.1 of MyShiftPlanner
Bug Fixes

Our users are always great at reporting issues to us. Over recent months we’ve had a number of reports of the app failing to load correctly, or freezing up.
Changes in the operating system of the device, increase use of memory, or any number of issues can cause the app to fail without much notice.
v6.1 has had additional stability added to help the app work more stably on a range of devices. We hope this will alleviate some of the issues reported to us.
That’s why it’s important to keep apps updated, to keep the bugs at bay!
UI Update – New Shift Picker Panel
Following user feedback, we’ve changed the options around the + button and shift picker. To help simplify the experience.
Tap on the + button and the Shift Picker now animates from the foot of the screen with a “tabbed” interface. This allows for better visibility of what you can add to the calendar.

The tabs are for standard Shifts, Off or Leave types, and Icons.
The “grab bar” at the foot of the calendar allows you to reduce the size of the calendar so that more shifts or icons options become visible and easier to select.
The old shift style picker (animating from the side) can still be activated via an option in Settings.
OS Compatibility

The latest update of iOS (version 17) is currently in beta testing. We had a report of an issue with the app sometimes failing to load correctly.
Whilst we can not guarantee support for unreleased OS versions, we have investigated the issue and discovered the cause.
The latest update of MyShiftPlanner is fully compatible with all the latest OS udpates of iOS 17 and Android 14
Works Seemlessly with MyShiftManager
We’ve added new features to the app to work alongside our latest product – MyShiftManager.
With the two products working in tandem, shift managers and shift workers can stay fully up to date of all schedule changes and issues.
MyShiftManager is now out and available to use. Claim an early adopted discount of 50% for the first 6 months and start taking control of shift scheduling today.
Keep Your App Updated
Update your app now on Android or iPhone/iPad. It’s always important to keep your apps updated. You can read here why it’s so important.
v6.1 is available to download from the App Store and Play Store. Make sure you don’t miss out on the latest features from the #1 Shift Work App on the stores.