No one ever said that working shifts was easy. But there are some ways to help you make it through those long night shifts.
Healthy eating is one of the most proven ways to help your body cope with stresses of shift work life. And with more and more information about food nutrition available, there’s plenty of options when it comes to getting over the 3am slump.
Modern shopping habits have meant that it’s possible to get nearly any fruit or vegetable pretty much any time of year. But if you’re looking for the best tasting and most nutritious product, it’s good to stay in-season.
Here are six summer super fruits to look for when you’re planning your shift work menus.
1. Blueberries 
Blueberries are nutritional superstars. More and more common in the supermarkets, they are filled with fiber, vitamin C and all kinds of cancer-fighting compounds.
Blueberry phytochemicals inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells and studies have also suggested that blueberries may even help to improve memory. You can add them to almost anything as well, from smoothies to Muffins.
A favourite at the My Shift Planner office is this Blueberry Muffin recipe.
It would have to be from Mary Berry, of course, though other recipes are available!
2. Kiwi Fruit 
They may taste sweet, but with Kiwis you don’t have to worry about overloading on sugar, as there’s just 7 grams of the stuff in one medium fruit. In fact, they have almost three times less sugar than a regular apple.
They’re also packed with potassium. Just one cup of kiwi provides more potassium than the same amount of sliced bananas — with less sugar and calories!
One cup of the fruit also contains 5 grams of fiber (the green part has soluble fiber, while the seeds and skin offer the insoluble kind), or about 21 percent of the daily recommended intake, to help promote feelings of fullness.
This super healthy kiwi sorbet is perfect for cooling down after a long hot summer shift.
3. Watermelon 
Watermelon is fab low calorie summer snack. Low in sugar and high in vitamins A and C a slice of watermelon makes a great mid-shift nibble. Studies suggest watermelon might also help to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
It’s also thought that the lycopene in watermelon could help protect the body from UV rays and cancer.
Great on its own as a snack, or try it in a salad.
4. Lemons 
You might not want to eat lemons on their own, but lemons are packed with flavor and make a great addition to many foods. The great thing about lemons is that they contain hardly any calories. The juice of an entire lemon has only 12 calories but a whopping third of the daily recommended valueof vitamin C and other antioxidants.
The antioxidants, known as flavonoids, could make lemons a good way to decrease heart disease risk, reduce inflammation, and fight some cancers, including pancreatic and stomach.
Combine Chicken Breasts with Fennel, Lemon and Green Olivesto get a classic mediterranean healthy meal.
5. Cherries 
Cherry’s always feel like a luxurious treat, but these little juicy delights are packed with antioxidants. The anthocyanins flavonoids that give cherries their colour, have some serious superpowers, that can help regulate immune responses and act as an anti-inflammatory.
Some studies have suggested that the tarter varieties of cherry may be even more helpful as an anti-inflammatory and more effectivethan Aspirin at relieving pain and reducing inflammation.
Adding cherries into a salad can give it an amazing flavour.
6. Strawberries 
Even though Wimbledon is over, we couldn’t leave strawberries out of this list. Sweet and tasty, one cup of these summer classic berries satisfies the daily requirement for vitamin C
Studies suggest the antioxidant helps build and repair the body’s tissues, boosts immunity, and fights excess free radical damage. Plus, it could help promote healthy eye function.
There’s lots of healthy ways to eat strawberries, but we recommend pairing them with cream and enjoying them!