The Life of a Shift Worker – A MyShiftPlanner User’s Experience of Shift Work


One of our users sent us this painfully honest account of the issues he faces working shifts. He was happy for us to publish [...]

The Life of a Shift Worker – A MyShiftPlanner User’s Experience of Shift Work2019-10-14T15:23:27+00:00

Shift Workers and Eating Disorders


This week marks Eating Disorders Awareness Week. At a time when higher rates of obesity and ill-health have been found in shift workers than [...]

Shift Workers and Eating Disorders2020-06-15T13:48:50+00:00

Superfood of the Month – Brussels Sprouts, the unsung superfood!


The seasonal Christmas vegetable that divides us like no other! Love them or loath them, at Christmas, it’s hard to get away from Brussels Sprouts. Let's [...]

Superfood of the Month – Brussels Sprouts, the unsung superfood!2019-12-16T17:25:08+00:00

Shift work is ruining my home life! Are you affected by the Spill-Over effect?


Occupational Psychology PhD student, Naomi Booth Wade explains the "Spill-Over-Effect"  The reasons why shift work can seriously affect  home life. Are you bringing work [...]

Shift work is ruining my home life! Are you affected by the Spill-Over effect?2022-02-15T11:46:05+00:00
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