Manage your Workforce
With myshiftmanager, you can manage your workforce scheduling simply and quickly.
The Team Tab
The Team Tab gives you an immediate overview of the members of your workforce.
You can edit their details quickly and connect them to the myshiftplanner app.
You can also set their permissions so that they can log into Manager and see their work rota quickly and easily.
Managing Workforce Requirement
Many shift work is done in teams. With myshiftmanager, it’s easy to segment your workforce into teams. This is espeically important if you require 24hour coverage or run rotating shift patterns, such as 4On/4Off etc.
Teams are created and managed in the More tab
Scheduling Shifts for your Teams
The Scheduler allows you to add shifts to individual team members, or to entire teams. You can add Annual Leave, or monitor sick and off days.
Quickly monitor KPIs
See your teams immediate whereabouts in the Dashboard and check those all important KPIs.
Let’s get started by setting up your workforce in the Team Tab. Click on the options below to carry on
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